A Message from the Leader of the #MartianArmy

2 min readJan 24, 2022
“The infiltration started long ago and has been planned for over a millennia” — Overheard by a Centaurus Grunt, listening to the Centaurus General.

“We are coming for you and there’s no stopping us. We have been planning our invasion for a long time and the pieces are finally in place for a successful infiltration of the Earth’s atmosphere to sweep your ecosystem of the human race and drain your resources for ourselves.

If you’re lucky and you prove yourself to be of use to us, we have a very limited space for human servants. As our servants you will scrub our spaceships, shine our blasters and most importantly keep our gnarks happy and fed.

After all is done and Earth is dry, filled with empty space and rubble we will let you go. Maybe.

We are loading up for the journey today and will arrive shortly.

See you soon.

Leader of the Martian Army”.

Well done for making it to day seven of these articles and keeping up to date with the release of information we have provided over the course of the past week.

We realise that when a new project launches, there are mechanics that sometimes are a little daunting and deserve their own explanation and that’s what we hope to have achieved by releasing small snippet articles every day for the past week.

For now however, it’s back to work on the protocol. We have some finishing touches to add before the public sale of $ISX, our NFT launch and yield opportunities go live.

Thank you for being patient with the team, it can be overwhelming developing an exciting protocol that has a million and one different jigsaw pieces to put together and the reception we have received from the community so far has been amazing.

Any updates will now be provided in the Discord, official Inter-Stellar Twitter @InterStellarISX and through Medium moving forward.

There is a lot to look forward to over the next couple of months and we’re ecstatic to have you all along for the ride.

Until next time.




GameFi #NFT project on the Stellar network. Prepare for the #MartianArmy takeover — $ISX